Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon!

I decided to let New Moon sink in a little before sharing my thoughts. Three hours of sleep is long enough for me! So here goes ...

I'm a HUGE book fanatic. Anyone that knows me will attest to this fact. And although I'm a sucker for a great book, I still like to see the movie after, just to see someone else's interpretation of what the book was to them. But never, in any of my Harry Potter midnight premier years, have I EVER seen a movie premier like last night. Between the beaucoup people, the news crews, the screaming mimi's when the line that was wrapped around the outside of the building started moving towards the door, and the mad rush to find a theater with two seats next to each other, I had a blast. Not usually my scene, but it was a great feeling breaking out of the box a little (although, the two large drinks prior to getting in line probably helped). I don't know that I would run out to another midnight premier like that, but you never know. You just might see me in line for the midnight showing of Eclipse when it releases ... anyone know when that might be?

As for the movie itself? I LOVED it. I always thought that Edward seemed too uptight in the first movie, like he was trying too hard. In the first book, he was obviously still his tall, dark and handsome, serious, mysterious, and way-intense self, but he still seemed to try and make an effort to be more sarcastic with his dry sense of humor in his relationship with Bella. New Moon really brings out some of the humor that we didn't see in Twilight. I laughed, a LOT. Which, is another one of those catch 22's between a book and it's movie. I loved the book. The darkness, the depression, the relationship with Jacob. I know a lot of people thought it was too much, or that it dragged out her losing Edward, but the tension and build up throughout is exactly like that of a 17 year old girl. A 17 year old girl that's completely in love. It might have been over-the-top, but I think it was based on very real emotion.

I'm extremely curious to see how the next movie plays out. I won't go into too much detail (for the minority that hasn't read all the way through, yet ... get on it, people!) but the relationship with Jacob in New Moon was WAY intense. It seemed even more so than it was in the book. I loved that aspect of it, but like I said, I'm really anxious to see how they handle that whole "situation." I certainly wasn't expecting to love Jacob so much!

My only HUGE complaint? I don't like where they ended it. I know the movie was already 2 1/2 hours long, but still! My jaw dropped when the credits rolled. I could go on and on about all the little things, but I won't drag this out too horribly. I'll just say that it's a movie worth watching, several times. And although it's not exactly like the book, I don't think we can ever expect a book-turned-movie to be as such. Go into it knowing you're going to learn to love a vampire and a werewolf at the same time, that the human girl might be a little whiney but all us girls are ultimately just the teensiest bit like her, and that you're going to get to see a LOT of eye-candy. Like, a LOT.

P.S. While my heart has opened up a bit more to Jacob after last night. I'm still Team Edward, 100%. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a second date with the third book in this saga I read awhile back. Something about a wedding? ...

1 comment:

  1. I have totally read the books twice through and will probably read them again sometime. I want to see the movie, but don't really want to go myself. The friend that got me into them in the first place is "off" Twilight (what gives? It is her fault I love them so much!) and my other friend who has read the books thinks Bella is too whiny. Well duh, she is a teenage girl. I would agree that all of us have a little bit of her in us. I'm glad you liked the movie! I love your blog so far!
