colors: bright orange, lime green, teal.
how cute is this wall decal growth chart! i get to pick the color even—bright orange! i just don't think i can get over how cute it is. really.

same designer, more customizable wall decals! orange, teal, and lime green! they're big, too!

this by-the-yard fabric from is PERFECT for the crib sheet i'm going to make (i'll do a tutorial when i get to that point. you won't believe how easy it is, promise).

with this perfect crib bumper to set off the colors!

and baby's name (whatever THAT ends up being!) in this font above the crib on the wall (again, i'll tutorial this also if we ever pick a name).

i'm thinking several little guys like this around the room in the accenting colors—good thing they're super easy to make! i may have to have a monster-making party at my house this summer ...

and a monster mobile with the same (smaller) plush monsters, similar to this one, minus the birdies ...

and we already have this tickle monster kit, but i think it will go quite nicely, with the rest of it. if i can peel it away from my 2-year old.

so, this is where i'm at. i need fabric ideas, curtains, and i'm thinking a big bright orange shag area rug or something fun!
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