this year, we decided the backyard was the way to go. no packing, soft grass, and all the comforts of a campout—fire, s'mores, hotdogs, tent, (even some sunshine!) all 100 feet from home. it was awesome, the kids had a blast, and we were even able to get some yard-work in.
we were a bit early for the great american backyard campout, but the idea's the same.

no pouting allowed (showing us what NOT to do) ...
run around barefoot ...
get a little crazy ...
eat a hotdog ... or 3 ...
play in the tent ... a lot ...
figure out this whole marshmallow in the fire thing ...
sacrifice at LEAST five marshmallows to the fire in the process ...
rub the belly a little just to make sure he's still there ... yep, not just a food baby anymore ...
most of all, have tons of fun—get outside, goof around, mix it up, and you don't even have to go anywhere! i highly recommend it.
It looks like you had a great time! Sometimes the staycation is the way to go! Also, I can not believe how big your kiddos are getting!!!