i miss your face.
i know, i know. it's been forever. but, now that i'm caught up on the harvesting, canning, and storing of the massive garden this year, i have a little more time for you. i promise. it was a stressful, complicated month, and now it's over ... or ten days from being over, which is over enough in my little head!
i found a new-ish book. and so far, it's lovely. i've been missing summer already, and extremely hesitant to get into the fall swing of things. don't get me wrong, fall in spokane is just about as perfect as it gets. it's my favorite season ... even if it only usually lasts two weeks-ish. BUT, this year ... ohhhh, this year ... summer was elusive and ninja-like, what with her not starting until the middle of JULY. and i'm not ready to let her go yet!

the beach street knitting society and yarn club is quick and cozy, and it'll make you wish it was raining and your house was clean so you could sit in front of your fireplace (or if you're like me, you'll sit and hope to get through a page before one of the kids decides that you are not allowed to sit for five minutes quietly ... all while imagining you had a fireplace) and read it from beginning to end in one sitting. it will also make you want to drink tea, open a wool shop, and start using 'bugger' as your new favorite swear word. it sounds a lot nicer than some of the ones that usually come out, does it not?
best part? there's a second book! needles and pearls. totally indulgent fiction. it's not for everyone, all the time. but it certainly is for me, some of the time!

totally makes me want to learn how to knit something other than an endlessly long scarf. like amazingly adorable and totally functional arm-warmers! i feel a project coming on ... i guess i better get on that whole "learning to knit something other than a scarf" thing.

i didnt know you could knit! you could knit me a scarf.. i love scarves!!