and now that my crazy neuroses is out in the open for all of you, i've decided to broaden my blog world a bit ... or more so, structure it to better fit what i want.
a post a day (more or less)—each day with a general topic. here's the scoop:
vintage finds—LOCAL shops, clothes, decor, photos, the works.
kiddo books—much like what i've been posting more recently.
big kid books—or other generally girly topics (including crafty-smafty and inspirational yummies).
food wonderfulness—recipes, pictures of amazing foods, great links, and more!
whatever mood may strike—or whatever you want me to post about! ideas, let me know! although, i'll tell you now ... it'll probably end up being another vintage or kid's book day unless anyone has objections!
don't count on it ... this is my family time! a girl's gotta have a life, right?!
i hope this organizes some of the jumble and you all can enjoy my little creative space that much more!
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