my favorite performer on earth twittered this back in september after complaining of a "frog" in his throat. i found it quite lovely that he referenced a children's classic. it just adds to my love of dave matthews.
"i should stop eating frogs and horses or I'll go the way of the old woman that was and swallowed a fly. she's dead of course. thanks y'all."
taylor's kindergarten class just finished up a project with this book, and it reminded me of how funny i thought it was when i was her age. and apparently, it left an impression on dave, too ... which means it HAS to be good. i mean, an old lady swallowing a horse, cow, dog, cat, bird, and a fly? what five year old wouldn't think that's hilarious?
check it out, buy it, sing it with your kids. they'll love it, laugh at it, and remember it forever. which is the whole point of reading books to them, isn't it?

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