to all you lovely people out there who have little boys ... this post is probably not for you. well, maybe it is! who's to say!? i apologize, and will follow up later this week with a super-fun post for little boys (or girls!)—it'll be a good one, trust me!

this particular post, however, is about fancy nancy. for those of you that have not yet experienced the wonder that is, fancy nancy ... RUN to your nearest library and see for yourself! she's super-fun, funny, and loves EVERYTHING fancy, including her vocabulary!
author, jane o'connor does an awesome job incorporating fun, fancy vocab words and their definitions throughout each book. as well as foreign languages! there's even some science and exploring going on! not to mention, there's a moral of every story, and they're cram-packed full of exciting, funny, and fun adventures.

my favorite part about nancy, though? here's her number one way of 'being fancy:'
'it is always fancy to be yourself! be exactly who you want to be. your thoughts and opinions are très important! after all, what makes you unique is also what makes you extremely fancy. always be true to yourself and you will always be fancy.'
splendiferous stories, offered in hardback, paperback, and even in beginning readers! check out her awesome website!
and, if you're in spokane, they're having a fancy nancy tea party at several library locations ... check here for details!