So, the tree's finally up ... I'll post final result pictures of it in all its glory here in the next few days. But just getting the tree home turned out to be quite the event. Usually, we head out to Sandpoint, ID to chop down a tree out in the middle of the woods, but neither of us really wanted to haul the kids in the car this weekend .... soooo, we headed to good ol' Greenbluff to find a tree farm.
We ended up at Huckaba's Tree Farm, which looked like it would be the perfect place to find our tree. It was clear & sunny, Brennan was asleep, Taylor was ready to find her tree ... and then I opened the truck door to get this show on the road. I think my hair froze! And not only was it only 19 degrees outside, it was windy as all get out! We're talking hurricane-style winds. Like, on that movie, The Day After Tomorrow, where Jake Gyllenhall's stuck in the library watching everything freeze instantly around him ... it was JUST like that (or just how I imagined it would happen in real life).
, who says, "I'll go. You guys just stay here." Now, i'm not normally such a wuss (although Luke might disagree), but there was no way the kids (they're a good excuse) were going to make it 5 minutes outside in that weather. So, while the baby slept, and T and I took pictures of ourselves, Luke slaved away finding that perfect tree. He was such a good sport and didn't even comment when Taylor yelled at him that she was cold when he opened the truck door to get in. Poor guy.
All in all, we have a lovely tree, and Luke's fingers didn't even get frostbite—not that you can see anyway. :)
Look at that happy-camper.

Taylor kisses are the BEST.

Amazing what the truck heater can do for the morale after being out in 19 degree weather for 2.5 seconds.

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