Thursday, June 30, 2011

thursday. how to have a good day.

what makes the perfect day for a pregnant lady? one or more of the following items ... bonus points if you get more than one, and a freaking GREAT day if you get all of them on the same day. please realize, i love being pregnant. i love that this baby is growing by the second. and most of all, i love that he'll be here in three months. the following are simply things that have the potential to make those "blah" days, better.

• no one tells you your boobs look bigger than your baby bump (see image above).

• no victoria's secret catalogs in the mail. and if one happens to make it, your husband rips it in half and throws it away before you even see it.

• when getting ready for work, the first items out of the closet fit AND look good ... no digging in the dirty clothes to find the ONE pair of pants that are comfortable and work-suitable required.

• no one tells you how huge you've become in a matter of weeks. why do people think this makes anyone feel good—growing baby or not.

• zero water retention for a whole day.

• hair and makeup cooperate and foundation does not end up on the belly of the shirt that actually fits you and looks cute.

• the sun comes out for a whole day and you don't have to work. or, you wake up and decide that work isn't going to happen.

• the brewing baby shares a few big flips and sticks his toes out the side of your belly.

• no tying shoes, painting your own toenails, or lying on your belly to get someone's favorite toy from under the refrigerator is required.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, this post almost makes me miss being pregnant.... almost. ;)
