i'm a firm believer in making sure our girls have amazing self-esteem, and don't feel the need to rely on anyone else to get things done, especially in making themselves happy. i could rant for hours (and possibly will) about gender roles, the horrible self-esteem and body issues that our media and society (not to mention ourselves as parents!) have put on our girls, creating women who truly believe they can't do things on their own, that there are certain things they shouldn't do, or that they don't deserve to. self worth, confidence, and independence are things my daughter will forever grow up understanding and appreciating. no one should have a limit as to what they can accomplish.
so, after the miniscule beginnings of a rant that i will cut off before it gets out of control, i'm always on the lookout for books that carry a strong female character. i'm not able to completely cut out disney® princesses, and the like, (of which i do feel definitely have their place) but i CAN bring other great influences into the mix like 'the paper bag princess' to make sure we've got a well-rounded outlook!
no worrying about how her hair looks, what the boys think, getting a prince-husband, or making sure she's got a fancy hairstyle to go with her designer dress, this princess has far more important things to do ... like save prince ronald from the fire-breathing dragon by herself, and kick that stubborn prince to the curb for telling her she needs to look more like a princess! princess elizabeth is an inspiration. and robert munsch (author) hit the nail right on the head with this one.
read it to your kids. they will love it. you will love it. and you will feel good knowing you won one little battle against the empire that demands princesses act a certain way.
Have you seen Princess and the Frog? Tiana is definitely a Disney Princess who is independent, works hard and does what she wants! And Belle shouldn't be lumped into that category either. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm completely with you, though. This is why I'm so surprised you like Twilight!
We haven't seen Princess and the Frog yet, but I've heard exactly that! And I definitely agree, that, for the most part, Belle is definitely much more independent than the others for sure!
ReplyDeleteAnd as for Twilight, what can I say? Nobody's perfect! Plus, I think there's a big difference between me reading it and my 5-year-old that's still at such an impressionable age, reading it. Just my opinion, though! :)